If you live outside of Europe, please consider that I propably live in another time zone than you, and might not answer that fast.

General help

For any issues, or messages in general, you can reach me under admin@nicos-labyrinth.com. I'll try to answer as fast as possible.

I've found a bug

Sadly there are still too many of those around. Right now, I am trying to fix the two most common ones. If you ran into one of those, there is a way to work around them:
  • The most annoying one: Sometimes, when you start Labyrinth Legends for the first time, the server will take an eternity to respond. If that happens, just restart Labyrinth Legends and everything should work fine.
  • When the start-button is disabled and you see no players in the online-list, not even yourself, try clicking the reload list button. It should fix both issues.
  • If you encounter any other bugs, you can just send a mail and I will hopefully fix it as soon as possible.

    I want to leave feedback

    Thank you. Any feedback, idea or constructive criticism is appreciated. If possible, I will answer every mail.

    I want to support Labyrinth and/or be a part of it

    That's great, thank you. The best way to support Labyrinth Legends is by playing and spreading the word if possible. If you want to donate to labyrinth Legends, you can do so under this link right here. Right now it is planned to gift 300 points back for every €/$ you donated, but as of now, the points aren't usable. Once they are, you can use all the points you gained, though.
    If you want to be a direct part of Labyrinth Legends, either as an artist, composer, tester or programmer, just send me a mail for details.

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